The Lord calls his house a “house of prayer” (Matt. 21:13). Therefore, we believe that the church ought to be characterized by prayer, in humility to God and dependence on the Holy Spirit. Although personal prayer has great importance in the life of a Christian, the New Testament church also models corporate gatherings of prayer (Acts 2:1, 2:42, 12:5). Regular and consistent prayer meetings play an integral role in the church engaging in spiritual warfare and in seeking the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We hope that a 24/7 prayer house would be established in Stockton to bring glory to the name of Christ.


Jesus seeks a pure and spotless bride and the bride seeks to present herself ready for Christ (Rev 19:7). The church has been cleansed by the blood of Christ and declared righteous through Christ. However, sanctification is an ongoing process, mandated by God. The Scriptures state that the will of God is the sanctification of all believers (1 Thes 4:3). The pursuit of holiness cannot be separated from a love for God’s Word and sound doctrine. (John 17:17). The process of sanctification does not happen in isolation, for God uses the family of all believers. We seek to be a community united through the gospel and brought together in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit that loves one another deeply and sacrificially.


We believe that the Church needs reformation and revival, starting with our own community. Historical awakenings have been characterized by powerful moves of the Holy Spirit that revitalize passion for the Lord, devotion to holiness, and bold declarations of the gospel. Revivals often begin with a small group of people seeking the Lord with prayer and fasting (2 Chr 7:14). The church should not be characterized by lukewarmness, apathy, and dullness but with conviction, love, and zeal. Revivals happen, not necessarily because of something new, but because of the people of God returning to the ancient paths outlined in the Scripture.


Throughout history, God has often used young people, particularly college students, to usher in movements of God. We believe that the college campuses in America are a unique battleground, as they engage in influencing the next generation. College campuses also provide a hub of people from different nations and backgrounds who need to hear the gospel. We seek to disciple, train, and equip college students to be those who would faithfully live for Christ through the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We hope that in whatever field students choose that they would be ready to be a light and proclaim the gospel.


Every Christian has a responsibility from the Scripture to be involved in the effort of world evangelization. Whether as someone who goes or someone who sends, the great commission remains the central mission of the church. One day people from every tongue, nation, and tribe will surround the king of kings and worship his glorious name (Rev 7:9). We recognize that non-believers exist all around us and that they need to also hear the gospel, repent of their sins, and believe in Christ’s salvific work. The church needs to reach out to the people and city around us. But this does not mean that we can be unconcerned with the large numbers of people who will perish without even having an opportunity to hear the gospel. We hope to share the heart of missions, support foreign missionaries, and engage in sending cross-cultural missionaries.